Part 1: The happiness in the struggle

     As a student  studying in class 10th an extremely crucial year for me my experience was rough. With chaos spread around the whole world and loss of lives in massive numbers the corona virus had done major damage.

Part 1:  virus creating havoc!

           The introduction of stories written in 2020 have majorly been related to corona virus. A viral disease that spreads from person to person. Many diseases have this property but this one was diffrentiated by the pace of it spreading. It also had a dangerous effect on heart patients and elderly people .The virus had initiated many countries to call for lockdowns so that it can be controlled from spreading. Extentions of lockdowns were called. But the lockdown had backfired 10 times the amount of damage that would have happened if the lockdown wasnt called. Jobs were slashed of in lakhs! Economies dived down. Stock markets crashed. Travel agencies and airline companies took a blow. Me living in the country of India- the land where the most cultures exist and also where population is in excess was made aware of situations of other people. But i wasnt affected a bit from all this chaos. 

 While the pandemic also opened a bank of uncountable hours of free time to do useless things it also closed all the cricket matches, tennis matches, football matches and even formula 1 races. As a plus I was in 10 th. So basically I had to sit with my books for the first half of the day.

   Sitting with the books until lunch i would have nothing to do the rest of the time. So I wasted my time starring at my phone or just roaming around my house. My brother had massive chunks of time as well. Comparing it to the iceberg that titanic which resulted it to sink. I spent the rest of time irritating him. The following days was spent in the most light manner possible with me resting my body with sitting on the bed for the whole day and watching television. But i was extremely lucky to have a roof and a 3 time meal which was a rareity in many households this year. Noting down this great gesture from my parents for me i hadnt really said anything to thank them. In overall i was in extreme levels of warmth and comfort during the lockdown and a time of crisis which had effected a massive number of people.

   It wasnt long before my chain of comfort came to an end. My school anounced that their teaching will be held on a online platform which meant online schooling which our teachers believed to be not good. That point was proved after 15 days. Students understood absolutely nothing. Self learning was promoted heavily with students learning massive chunks to cover up the lost time in order to perform in the mid term examinations. By students it meant only around 5 of them because not all people start working a month ahead of the examinations. 60 percent students start a day before and 30 percent out of them start a night before. But in between the mid term examinations there was another ticking time bomb. The ninth result. I did not get a very encouraging result but with a dramatic click on the mouse i took the result with pride since i got promoted. With not great results i have a dream to one day work for NASA. But i had to pass in subjects like chemistry and biology, history and civics before i could start putting effort in that field.

           Speaking about NASA i can further go ahead and tell you that i have a massive list of dreams to be fulfilled and waiting to be ticked. But all of those dreams are highly impractical just as being a scientist in nasa which you will also get to know in my posts coming up. But since I have a massive interest in studying about space. I watched videos all day about how old the universe is and when our time will come to an end. How our planets work as a system to provide intelligent life to thrive only in 1 planet out of 8. Looking at these videos dont really make you want to work hard. Making you realise how horribly tiny you are in this universe. Someone getting success in your school or office wont really pinch you after having a look at these videos. You can view my other blog to get a picture on how seriously i love the wonders of the universe. 

     But for now returning to my experiences and my utilisation of time during the pandemic I had to face a big examination. Probably not the biggest but at that time i could classify it as an exam to fear. It was to be attempted on 80 marks. Knowing the fact that this exam wont hold any value in campus entrances in the future and job applications it was not easy to learn the whole textbook but just enough to pass comfortably. 

end of part 1

Please feel free to check out my other blog The theories of the universe! ( to view exciting facts about our space and the wonders of the universe!


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